Computers, Printers & Wi-Fi
Public Computer Use Procedures
Residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Oakland Township with valid RHPL cards have priority access to the library’s public computers. Patrons are required to log in with a library card number and PIN/password to use a computer.
Most computers are available for four-hour sessions.
15-minute express computers are on the second floor.
Large flatbed printers and scanners are also available to RHPL patrons.
Non-residents may only use the public computers on the second floor and must ask for a guest pass at the Adult Reference Desk. Non-residents are eligible for a 30 minute session.
Those with an expired RHPL card or who owe more than $15 in fines cannot log onto a public computer.
Additional computers are in the Quiet Study Room and are for RHPL patrons with valid library cards and who are 18 years of age or older.
A temporary library card number will not work on the computers. Visit one of the library’s reference desks for assistance.
All computer users must agree to our Internet Access Policy.
Wireless Printing
Print from anywhere using your PC or mobile device. Registered library cards may be refilled with a credit card at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
Printing in black & white is 10 cents per page. Printing in color is 50 cents per page. Our print vending machines will take credit cards or cash.
Available Software
Below is a list of software available on RHPL public computers.
GIMP – Image and photo manipulation software that features layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.
Microsoft Excel (2016) – create and format spreadsheets.
Microsoft PowerPoint (2016) – Create dynamic and professional presentations.
Microsoft Publisher (2016) – Create and personalizes a range of publications and marketing materials.
Microsoft Word (2016) – Create and share documents with a comprehensive set of writing tools.